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At First Glance

The Visual Experience Foundation at first glance is an amazing thing taking those who are losing their sight to have a visual “Burn It” experience that will last beyond physical sight, However VEF is so much more. During the “sight visits” there is fellowship and identification that takes place that only someone going through this particular challenge in life can identify with. Our VEF Have a Mentor – Be A Mentor Program has been developed to aid as many as possible beyond the visual experience sight visits.


For the person losing their sight over time this surrender is holding on to driving first at night and then altogether. Some younger candidates will be dealing with never being able to drive while all their friends are getting their license and first cars. Dealing with the ego deflation and acceptance of now needing the use of a sight cane is not any easy one. Only those going through this can understand the anxiety before each new doctor’s visit. These decisions of surrender are life changing and sometimes come with private tears. Having someone in your life that is also going through a similar challenge right where you are, ahead of you, or perhaps you may be able to help someone with your experience strength and hope.


Being part of the WE is healing and empowering and gives us strength to become all we are meant to become with or without our sight. “With one hand up and one hand down we are all connected and we can live in the power together and not on the fear of the unknown”


In reading this please don’t think in any way that we are giving up the hope that technology is advancing. WE have faith in the medical community and we are believing in the best outcome possible.


WE are also taking responsibility  and not in denial of our circumstances so that we are prepared that if our vision loss is moving quicker than technology and if blindness becomes a reality WE will be equipped with amazing mentors and still be able to have a full life as there are many examples of people living a victorious life after blindness.


Some of us have been dealing with this threat of blindness longer than others, some of us have better vision than others and some have gone through this and are already blind and have accomplished amazing things since losing their sight. All of us can be part of this fellowship. “There is Life after blindness. My strength comes from my faith.” Says Rich Ruffalo, who won 14 Para Olympic medals after losing his sight. Jonathan Heimowitz 21 years old with advanced RP says “ I get to see. I look at it as I have one more day to see instead of one less day to see!” “Today I am making a choice to live in the Power and not in the fear. I must have a mentor and be a mentor, one hand up and one hand down and together we can do what I cannot do alone.” Michael Benson the VEF founder repeats to each candidate.


VEF is a faith based organization that doesn’t claim to understand all but we are standing together in claiming our vision. We are believing for continued medical advancements. And every candidate is lifted up in prayer for God’s will regarding healing and the future of their lives.


Click here to learn about and participate in our VEF Have a Mentor – Be A Mentor Program  

Love Vision Inc is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing memorable Sight Visits and support to children and adults who have been diagnosed with unstoppable vision loss.

Love Vision Inc.

P.O. Box 346

Spring Lake, New Jersey 07762


Tel: (732) 616-3304

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